Incubating Button Quail Eggs

Incubating button quails eggs is a very fun and rewarding process. If you want to hatch Button Quail. Lets get started.

What you will need

  1. Incubator
  2. Thermometer
  3. Hygrometer (optional but recommended)
  4. Button Quail eggs
  5. Water
To start you will want to get your incubator up to temperature and humidity to make sure its staying in the optimal ranges. Fill one of the reservoirs of your incubator with water and place your thermometer and hygrometer in the incubator. Whether you are using an out of the box incubator or a home-made incubator you should aim for a temperature of (99F-100F for forced air incubators) or (101F-102F for still air incubators). Allow several hours for the incubator to get up to temperature and humidity. Once you are able to get the incubator to the right temperature note the humidity. We are aiming for 60% to start with. The amount of water it takes to reach this level will vary with your environment. Note that humidity is affected by surface area of water and not by depth.  When the incubator temperature and humidity remain stable it is time to add the eggs. The eggs will take 16 days to hatch. Be sure to mark your calendar. You will need to turn your eggs 2 to 3 times daily. This can be achieved by marking the eggs with a #2 pencil with and X on side and an O on the other. These marking allow you to keep track of what eggs have been turned during the turning process. Optionally you can purchase an automatic egg-turner and quail rails which will take care of this turning process by itself. You will want to stop turning the eggs for the last 2 days (days 15 and 16). These last 2 days you will also want to raise the humidity up to 70-80% to help the little chicks out with the final push out of their eggs.

Look for our brooding button quail guide coming soon.

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